Our new rescue at Water 4 Dogs took her first swim today, and I wanted to share it with you guys! This is GiGi (pronounced jhee-jhee), an Elk-Hound mix. She has a limp that the pool will help with. She is adorable and very loving! She was a little afraid to swim but then warmed up.
A new exercise wheel for dogs boasts itself as healthy fun. I can't help but wonder why a dog would rather be trapped in a wheel, than scampering about in the wilderness outside the wheel they show:
( I am *not* a fan of an enclosed exercise wheel. I suppose if it were the dog's choice I wouldn't object to them just having fun and being able to come and go as they please ) >>>>>>>> See Video <<<<<<< Thanks everyone who attended our lecture! It was a great success. We had a great audience, and the outcome bodes well for the future of dog training.
The children's Dog Safety program has been postponed to September. We will keep you updated on the dates when they are announced. Apologies to the crowd that showed up at the library! It was cancelled at the very last minute due to a library scheduling conflict. If you have any child safety concerns feel free to write or call us and we will be sure to keep you in the loop :) In the meantime, can anyone name the world's most expensive dog breed? It's the Tibetan Mastiff, to date, see below: And, their fur dispels any bad odors! Check out our lecture next Wednesday, August 11th at the New York Public Library Jefferson Market Branch! 6:30 PM is for Adults and the topic is Dominance and Dog Training. At 3:30 there will be a program for kids 3 and up on Dog Safety.
Dominance and Dog Training http://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2010/08/11/dog-days-summer-dominance-and-dog-training May I pet your dog? http://www.nypl.org/events/programs/2010/08/11/may-i-pet-your-dog Dogs are highly popular pets, which leads to some popular myths. Here are five common ones debunked: Mutts Are Healthier than Purebreds: The short answer is that the healthiest dog is the one that’s well taken care of. While some breeds are prone to certain diseases, mixed-breed dogs are susceptible to every disease in their genetic history. Don’t buy dogs from *shady* breeders and take good care of your dog — that’s the best way to ensure canine health. Cold, Wet, Nose = Good. Warm, Dry Nose = Bad: A dog’s nose can change a lot through the day. While one minute it might be wet and cool from licking, it can be dry and/or warm without any negative impact on the dog’s health. Garlic Is Good For Bacteria and Fleas:This advice might be helpful if your dog could be a vampire, otherwise in every other circumstance it should be avoided. Garlic (and onions) can be poisonous to dogs - and even cause anemia. Licking Wounds Signals Healing:Licking wounds can actually be good AND bad. While some licking can help keep the wounds clean which can accelerate healing, too much licking can cause further damage, bacterial infection, and bad habits. For bad wounds, seek medical attention and redirect your dogs attention from licking it. Feces-Eating Signals Poor Diet:Dogs eat feces (known as coprophagia) for a variety of reasons, from hunger to habit. Eating feces doesn’t necessarily signify anything about your dog’s health; if it is truly rampant, you might have to sacrifice your willingness to leave huge piles of feces all over your house and begin to clean up after your dog.
January 2016